The ClassicDoge team is excited to announce our early crowdfund. Our token is ClassicDoge using the symbol XDoge with a total supply of 160,000,000,000 at a price of 0.0000002 BNB.
What is ClassicDoge?

The ClassicDoge vision is to introduce the new era of decentralization and transparency to the pet industry. ClassicDoge is a pet eccentric social app and NFT marketplace giving pet lovers a way to mint their favorite memories to share and sell. ClassicDoge aims to provide the infrastructure to schedule, track, and maintain all aspects of our pets’ lives. ClassicDoge intends to keep up to date when our furry friends will meet with vets, take their medicines, and attend their playdates. ClassicDoge also looks to be instrumental in assisting in the adoption and overall placement of homeless pets. We would like to think of ClassicDoge as the “MYHealth” equivalent for pets. ClassicDoge will very quickly become the go-to platform for household pet information. ClassicDoge is one of the very few tokens that can be used as a practical utility.
- Care for your pet in one place by tracking treatments, messages, and scheduling vet visits
- Discover local pet events and stores in your area
- Monitor your pet’s activity for optimum health
- Create a digital pawprint of your pet’s health records, insurance, and certifications
Why use ClassicDoge?
ClassicDoge will use blockchain technology to empower its users to own and monetize their pet’s data while protecting the privacy and the best interests of all participants on the platform. By allowing owners, vets, and animal organizations to share records privately but with transparency will drive further developments with treatments, health trends, and much more. ClassicDoge digital currency will incentivize users to upload their pet’s data without any adverse impact to the platform’s margins or liabilities.

Imagine a place where all your pet’s health and shot records are stored in an environment that’s accessible at the tips of your fingers. Not only are these records always at your disposal, but they are also highly secured because the records are stored using blockchain technology. These are just some of the features that ClassicDoge will offer. This platform will be the companion of all social media applications in play today. We love our pets because they’re our children and we would love to share these special moments that we create with them, with the rest of the world. We, at ClassicDoge, understand that we need a platform that caters to people looking to connect with pet lovers that remind them of themselves, and we believe that this technology will bring all of these factions of people together. ClassicDoge will also offer a pet marketplace, virtual vet visitations, an extensive library of pet specific recommended treatments for various ailments, and test/lab results. The pet marketplace will allow our community to buy/sell accessories all in one location. This token represents the future and the future is approaching quickly.
We want to build a community. We are looking to have individuals that understand this NFT and are willing to back it in a way that screams out to the rest of the world that we are here. We want to ensure that our community is loud, and we are heard. This is the platform that we have all been waiting for and it only succeeds with the help of all of us. We are 100% confident that this project will be successful, and we will continue to put our community first because we know the importance of each and every one of you.