Trade xDoge / BNB on PancakeSwap and win up to $5,000
Come up with a creative nickname. Don't worry, we'll track everything with your wallet.
To qualify, trade at least $1,000+ of volume per day for at least 5 days during the competition timeframe.
The higher trading profit turnover you make, the more chances to get a bigger prize.
* reserves the right to change the dates and terms of the promotions without the prior announcement.
**Please, check the list of restricted countries.
*** ClassicDoge contract address: 0xB68A34756D8A92CCc821EFfA03d802846594b64E
Scan your pet to create its own 3D avatar to enter a pet centric metaverse. Imagine a virtual world for your pet where you can train, care, and clothe your pet, even find the perfect mate to breed with; if you can do it in the real world you can do it in the metaverse.